  • 08 Oct 2023
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Article summary

Represents amounts journal line (spr) in Business Central.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
GET sprAmountsEntriessprAmountsEntriesGets a amounts entry object.
NavigationReturn TypeDescription
sprAmountsJournalsprAmountsJournalGets the Journal of entry.
sprEmployeessprEmployeesGets the employee of entry.
sprEDCodesprEDCodeGets the earnings deduction code of entry.
sprDimensionSetLinessprDimensionSetLinesGets the dimension set lines of entry.


idGUIDThe unique ID of the amount entry. Non-editable.
entryNumberint32The entry number of the amount entry.
journalIdGUIDThe ID of the journal.
journalNamestring[10]The display name of the journal that this line belongs to.
lineNoint32The journal line item line number.
employeeIdGUIDThe number of id.
employeeNumberstring[20]The number of employee.
firstNamestring[30]The first name of employee. Read-Only.
surnamestring[30]The surname of employee. Read-Only.
edIdGUIDThe id of earnings/ deductions codes.
edCodestringThe code of earnings/ deductions codes.
edTypeNAV.sprEDTypeSpecifies the type of earnings/ deductions code. It can be:
0- " "
1- Advance
2- Earnings
3- Deduction
4- Earn. Comp.
5- Deduct. Comp.
6- Income in Kind
descriptionstring[50]Specifies the description of line, most probubly descripion of earnings/ deductions.
monthdateThe date of month that the journal line is posted.
amountTypeNAV.sprAmountJnlAmountTypeSpecifies the type of amount. It can be:
0- " "
1- Gross
2- Total Net Pay
3- Bonus Net Pay
4- Long-Term ED
5- Allocation Base Pay Pct.
amountdecimalSpecifies the total amount that the journal line consists of.
amountPctdecimalSpecifies the total amount percent that the journal line consists of.
inPropToWorkingTimebooleanSpecifies if amount should be adjusted to actual time worked.
lastModifiedDateTimedateTimeThe last datetime the journal line was modified. Read-Only.