  • 19 Jul 2024
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Article summary

Softera.Delivery products setup is combined of standard Business Central setup extensions and the setup specifically design for the product. All the needed setup for using Softera.Delivery is explained in detail in this section.

Delivery Setup

Softera.Delivery main setup can be found in the page „Delivery Setup“. Fields in this setup are explained below.


Field NameField Meaning
EnabledSpecifies, if Softera.Delivery products functionality is turned on.
Mandatory Lines WeightSpecifies if the default weight of parcels needs to be entered
Parcel Unit of LengthSpecifies what units of measure are used to measure parcels
External Item No. TypeSpecifies what is the external identifier for items in the delivery document
Allow Duplicate Source LinesSpecifies if more than one delivery document can be created for a source document line
Always Create New DeliverySpecifies if separate delivery documents should be created for different source documents. This setting is relevant if the delivery document is created from warehouse documents
Do Not Group by Phone No.Specifies if receivers telephone number should not be included in the information grouping for creating separate delivery documents
Do Not Group be E-MailSpecifies if receivers e-mail address should not be included in the information grouping for creating separate delivery documents
Notify All CustomersSpecifies if in the created delivery document, field “Notify” should be checked

Delivery Integration Services

The parameters for the integrations with different systems are specified in the list “Delivery Integration Services“. Fields in this list are explained below.


Field NameField Meaning
CodeSpecifies the unique code of integration
Connector TypeSpecifies type of integration
EnabledSpecifies if the integration is turned on
Delivery Nos.Specifies the number series used for delivery documents
Manifest Nos.Specifies the number series used for manifests
API URLSpecifies, the URL for the integration
API UsernameSpecifies the username used for the integration
API PasswordSpecifies the password used for the integration
Save Request to LogSpecifies if the request body should be saved in the “SLE journal”
Save Response to LogSpecifies if the request answer should be saved in the “SLE journal”

Shipping Agents

Shipping agents are described in the standard Business Central list “Shipping Agents”. This list is also used in Softera.Delivery and is extended with additional fields that will be used in the integration with couriers’ information systems. Fields in this list are explained below.


Field NameField Meaning
Integration Service Code (Delivery)Specifies what integration will be used in delivery documents
Default Services CodeSpecifies the default service for the courier
Use BC Label (Delivery)Specifies if BC generated label should be used instead of couriers. If selected, additional label modification will be needed (this is not included in Softera.Delivery)
BC Label No. Series (Delivery)Specifies the number series used for BC created labels
Courier Code (Delivery)Specifies the courier code in the couriers’ system
Send productsSpecifies if the information about the products should be sent to the couriers’ system
Send PricesSpecifies if the information about the products’ price should be sent to the couriers’ system
Send InvoiceSpecifies if the invoice should be sent to the couriers’ system

Shipping Agent Services

The services provided by the courier are listed in the standard Business Central list “Shipping Agent Services”. This list is also used in Softera.Delivery and is extended with an additional field “Service Code (Delivery)” that specifies service code in the couriers’ system.


Delivery Templates

Pickup and delivery methods for the parcels are specified in the “Delivery Templates”. These lists can be found here:

  • “Location Card” for the default pickup method: “Related” --> “Delivery Templates”. The default methods are set for the specific integration service.
  • List of “Shipping Agent Services” for the default delivery method: “Related” --> ”Delivery Templates”. The default methods are set for the specific integration service.


Field NameField Meaning
Delivery Int. Service CodeSpecifies for which delivery integration service the pickup or delivery method should be used
DescriptionSpecifies additional information about the setting
Default Pickup Mode CodeSpecifies the default pickup or delivery method. The code is selected from the list “Pickup/Delivery Modes”. It is important that the field “External No.” be filled in accordance with the code used in the couriers’ system


Parcels (Delivery)

All the possible sizes for the parcels used in deliveries are set in the list “Parcels (Delivery)”. Fields in this list are explained below.


Field NameField Meaning
CodeSpecifies the unique code for the parcel
DescriptionSpecifies the description of the parcel
Length, Width, HeightSpecifies the dimensions of the parcel. The used unit of measure is specified in the “Parcel Unit of Length“ setting
CubageSpecifies the cubage of the parcel
WeightSpecifies the weight of the parcel. The used unit of measure is specified in the “Parcel Unit of Length“ setting. If the setting “Mandatory Lines Weight“ is turned on, then the weight of the parcel should be set here
External No.Specifies the parcels code in the couriers’ system


All available delivery services are listed in “Services” list. This list can only be accessed through the delivery document sub list “Services”. Fields in this list are explained below.


Field NameField Meaning
CodeSpecifies the unique code for the service
DescriptionSpecifies the description of the service
External No.Specifies the service code in the couriers’ system
Fill in Order Part (API)Specifies if the service information should be sent in the orders’ header

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